Monday, March 14, 2016

Procrastinating on the Project

This week, I did some work on 20 time but mainly I procrastinated. This was clearly a problem so I did a little more work and have made more progress now.  I have decided to use myself as a test subject before asking others to take part in my project. First, I figured out why I procrastinate. This article,, explains some triggers in general towards procrastination, and I used this for my initial research but now I'm trying to see which apply to me. In my life, I tend to procrastinate on practicing dance and singing (two of my extra-curricular activities), cleaning my room, and the given obvious, homework. I like to socialize, watch TV, or do other useless tasks instead of doing the important work. My next steps are trying to find out what I feel while I procrastinate and what situations motivate me to keep working. I also want to talk to people who do get all of their work done and see what they think while doing tasks. Hopefully I'll get more done this week!


  1. I like your topic and feel that this information could serve a lot for me. Usually something that triggers me is when I go downstairs in my dark room. No one is down there an it is quiet and serene perfect for napping or doing nothing. So I try and sit upstairs where my family are doing their daily chores and a place with light. I usually get work done faster then when I sit in my room.

  2. I hope that you get more done in the future. You could try looking at motivation starters, because your problems seem more motivation related and that causes procrastination.
