Thursday, December 10, 2015

Unit 5 Reflection

Unit 5, named Walking the Dogma, described and went in depth to the function and processes surrounding the DNA in each and every one of our cells. The unit started when we learned about the structure and function of DNA and its code- which was very easy to grasp for me because it was extremely practical. The steps were logical and I felt like watching the videos of the RNA making proteins helped me see what I was learning. DNA expression and regulation, since I could relate it to our bodies, were easy to understand. I think of expression like “that is why it is there” for example having two eyes, and regulation like the opposite, why we don’t have 37 eyes. Though this is a simple example, it helped me relate the science to life. For me, the mutations vodcast was confusing because there were a ton of mutations and things that could go haywire in a DNA. I didn’t know that these all things could happen so it was a bit overwhelming! But, after doing the mutations lab, the concepts made perfect sense and were easy because I tried doing the mutations myself. What made this unit easy was that it was very convenient to try things out and figure out the processes like base pairings and mutations ourselves. And doing the DNA extraction lab towards the end of the unit was also cool and informative to another DNA process. Overall Unit 5 was short and sweet!

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