Monday, November 23, 2015

Unit 4 Reflection

This unit was about how things from cells to organisms reproduce. Mitosis and Meiosis along with asexual and sexual reproduction were big concepts and what helped me learn these was the infographic. I understood the process of mitosis so understanding meiosis was quite easy because it was just double the steps with a slightly altered end result. Again, many terms were difficult to memorize but learning them in related bits categorized them in my mind. The infographic helped me study because I went over all the information one last time before taking the test. Check out my Infographic here: biology-infographic Also at the end of the unit, we took a VARK questionare to see what type of learner we are. I got a 12 in kinesthetic and Read/Write learning, and a 10 in both Visual and Aural learner. This surprised me because I thought I was a visual learner but I’m a little bit of everything. That was cool and so was this unit.

Coin Sex Lab Relate and Review

In this lab, we used coins and a partner to simulate the assortment of alleles resulting in different genotypes and phenotypes during sex. The flipping of the coin represented the random combining to create new genes and the probability of a certain type appearing was 50%. The results we got followed the trend of the dihybrid cross simulation but obviously wasn’t exactly the same because real life isn’t probable. We can use probability to state what the possible alleles could be after meiosis or gene segregation, when cells are recombined, and to understand the number of homozygous or heterozygous individuals after a monohybrid cross. In my life, if I had a disease, whether autosomal or X-linked, I could see the possibility of my child going through the same disease by using probability.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Genetics Infographic

Below is a picture of my infographic but it is really tiny so if you don't want to kill your vision, click the link! 

Monday, November 2, 2015

Unit 3 Reflection

Unit 3 was about generally about cells. First we learnt of different parts of an animal and plant cell, followed by learning two cell processes, photosynthesis and cellular respiration. This unit was difficult for me because I am really bad at memorizing things and there were a ton of terms. But what helped me was learning the terms as I learnt the processes so I was doing two things that I benefitted from at once. I understood cells in depth during this unit and as a class, it was interesting to dig deeper into specific cell processes. I want to learn more about how plants that live in the ocean where it is hard for sunlight to reach photosynthesize. For the test next week I plan to study by doing the regular reviews with vodcast and textbook notes but this time I will review the questions I got wrong in the CFU quizzes as a new strategy. Hopefully it will help me!