In this lab we asked the question, "How can DNA be separated from cheek cells in order to study it?" We found that this procedure involved three steps including homogenization, lysis, and precipitation. We carried this out by mixing our cells in a polar liquid. This breaks down the cell and nuclear membranes of the cheek cell, homogenizing it. Afterwards we added soap to the mixture, initiating lysis which disintegrated the membrane. We used pineapple juice to break down histones found in DNA, causing it to uncoil. This was possible because pineapple juice, like a few other liquids, has catabolic proteases and enzymes, that help to break down the histones. Finally, we poured cold isopropanol alcohol into our test tube and due to its non-polarity combined with the polarity of the DNA, the DNA became a precipitate and rose to the top of the isopropanol alcohol layer. This data supported our procedure because, to put it simply, it worked!
While our hypothesis was supported by our data, there was one vital error that we carried out. After adding pineapple juice and soap, we were supposed to gently invert the test tube 6 times and we chose to do this step after adding the alcohol, so the two layers got mixed. Out of the four people in our group, two people's DNA were ruined because of this. This error happened because we created our own procedure without a more educated approval to tell us when to put each step. Another hypothetical error could have been the time factors. If one gargled gatorade for more or less than thirty seconds or observed for more or less than five minutes, results might be changed though the effect isn't drastic. To minimize these rather small to extremely important details, get a teacher's approval before starting and keep a timer handy!
This lab was done to demonstrate the process of extracting DNA from a cell. From this lab I learnt how to remove DNA from its original position in a cell which helps me understand the concept of DNA and its structure. Based on my experience from this lab I applied the concepts around DNA and I now have a
sample of my own!
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