Monday, February 29, 2016

Prevent Procrastination

20 time is a concept where students are given 20 percent of their class time to work on a project of their choosing.
My essential question is "Will understanding more about the brain's scientific reactions to circumstances help with problems, like procrastination?"
I was frustrated that I procrastinate so much in order to get work done and I have tried numerous "motivating mechanisms" to help me work more efficiently, all of which have failed miserably. I'm pretty sure I am not the only one with this problem so for my project I will try to use science to stop procrastination.
My goals begin with trying to inform myself about this topic thoroughly and then trying to implement tips I come up with in my life as well as trying these on some others.
I will measure my process and hopefully achievements by having a consistent task(s) that needs to be completed with different ways to go about doing the job.
My plan moving forward is to research for now, and hopefully start coming up with solutions soon.
Not only do I want to figure out how to prevent procrastination, I also want to learn what causes it because ideally everything we set out to do should be something we want to get done instead of putting it off.


  1. Procrastination is a wonderful thing! Everyone enjoys themselves until they realize that they have completely done something silly. You just hope they learn their lesson. As Anisha asked, How will you measure your progress? Will you write down the minutes (or hours) you procrastinate everyday?

  2. This is a really great idea! Studies have shown that 20 percent of people chronically avoid difficult tasks and deliberately look for distractions, so it would be fantastic to have a solution. Have you thought about trying to find others with the same problem and test out the solutions together?
