Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Story of Stuff Notes

  • extraction, production, distribution, consumption, disposal
  • linear system on a finite planet
  • missing factors like people (govt.,corp.)
  • govt. is more concerned about corps than the people
  • we r running out of resources
  • if u dont own/ buy stuff u dont have value
  • use chemicals to help with resources  emitting toxins into our lives
  • human breast milk has the highest dose of toxins!
  • people work with this stuff because they have no other choice
  • many toxins pollute as byproducts
  • even if we move the pollutants to other countries, it comes back! as wind pollution etc
  • externalized costs  real cost of making things aren’t captured into price
  • we have become a nation of consumers
  • 1% of things americans buy are still used after 6 months
  • our “ultimate purpose” is to produce more consumer goods
  • planned obsolescence: made for the dumps
  • perceived obsolescence: throw away things that are perfectly fine! (trends do this)
  • Ads make us feel unhappy of what we already have
  • Though we have more stuff, our national happiness is decreasing
  • we have no leisure time or we just shop in that time!
  • incineration: BAD because it mixes and releases toxins
  • recycling is good! but not enough
  • there are points of intervention!

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